jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

true/false questionnaire British culture


1.- Not everyone in Britain speaks English
2.- People from Scotland are called Scotch
3.- People from Wales are called Welsh
4.- More than 56 million people live in Britain
5.- In Britain you drive on the right side of the road
6.- Punctuality is vital in British Culture
7.- Great Britain is synonymous with UK
8.- Industrial cities are London, Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle
9.- The weather in Britain is very predictable
10.- November 15th is Guy Fawkes Day
11.- Tea or coffee is drunk at breakfast
12.- The midday meal can be called lunch or dinner
13.- You play polo on horseback
14.- Taxis in London are black
15.- There is no carnival in London
16.- Loch Ness is not in England
17.- Cambridge in England has more inhabitants than Cambridge, USA (Massachusetts)
18.- British people still have an island mentality
19.- In Scotland over 75.000 people speak Gaelic
20.- Important industries in Britain today include gas, engineering and electronics
21.- The London underground is called “the tube”
22.- In many Elizabethan houses, the wooden beams are visible both from the outside and the inside
23.- Sainsbury’s, Tesco and ASDA are supermarkets
24.- The sandwich originated in Britain
25.- There is only one religion in England
26.- The Wellington Boots is called after a town in New Zealand
27.- Boots is the name of a famous Chemist’s Pharmacy
28.- Fish and Chips are always eaten at midday in England
29.- English money is in Pounds, Shillings and pence.
30.- In England there is a Queen but no King
31.- Shakespeare wrote a novel as well as plays
32.- No women are allowed to live on the Isle of Man
33.- It never rains in England
34.- The British flag is called the Union Jack
35.- The patron Saint of England is St. George
36.- England once had a Spanish Queen
37.- King Henry VIII had 8 wives
38.- The Romans never occupied Britain
39.- The bulldog is often used as a symbol of England
40.- Heathrow is the airport near Manchester
41.- King Charles I walked and talked ten minutes after he was dead
42.-Yorkshire puddings are eaten with roast beef.
43.- David Beckham played rugby for Scotland
44.- An insect name was adopted by a famous British musical group.
45.- Trained dogs can help the blind and the deaf
46.- Robin Hood is often referred to as “the Sheriff of Nottingham”
47.- The isle of Wight is between England and Ireland
48.- “Got a light” is related to electricity
49.- Stonehenge is in Ireland
50.-In English there are some French, Spanish and German words

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