viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

My pet hates

MY PET HATES………..(me) (Structural ambiguity)

They say Christmas is a period charged with an overdose of religious feelings when the good and happy pretend to be better even becoming angelic and the sad and neurotic get  more depressed and even suicidal.(They also add that a perfectly adjusted human being would be silent about their hates)
I´ve vented out my pet hates, people, objects and situations I just can´t stand like the so-called Christmas spirit:

Celebrity magazines ( Cuore, Love, Vanitatis, Pronto, Lecturas, Semana, Hello, 10 minutes, etc.) – they are all superficial, banal toilet paper publications!
Preachers, charlatans and manipulators ( What they think is their reality)
People glued to their mobile phones whose only realities come through the net.
 I really hate the English love of animals over human beings (Thanks to David Goodland)
I hate the noise level in bars, discos and restaurants
I loathe above all Nationalism, put above Unity between Countries. I will always be a European citizen of the world, whatever happens next year.
I loathe and detest BREXIT (as I  hate intolerance and politicians who pick on minorities and use 'immigrants' as a euphemism for 'hating foreigners'.)
When you can remember things from years ago but you can´t remember what you ate yesterday/ what you went into the kitchen for.
Being in a hurry for no obvious reason
Poisonous beliefs: Anything from bioneuroemotions, religions or magnetic energy to NLP
( In fact, people can believe whatever they like but when you stop and look closely at the sort of strange ideas people believe you realize that the world is populated by insane locos on a hitherto undreamed-of-scale)
When they tell you it is HISTORY and it is Propaganda/ Fake news since humankind began.
 The use of baby talk in indirect speech.
People who show off their material possessions.
When my shoes pinch/ do not fit or my clothes oppress me.
The use of the illogical first person singular or plural when relating an impersonal event in the past, or when phrasing interrogative words like how, why, when.(Thanks to Pete Trainin)
Gullible airheads at the kitchen table who believe in every sort of alternative remedy.
Boring politicians and nobody seems to perceive their verbal incompetence and immaturity.
The chronically infantilized politicians who demonstrate their lack of intellectual agility by clinging to clichés, ready-made sentences and over(re)acting.
Next, replying to questions with the word So, which is deductive not causal. Same neuro linguistic degradation as above.
Those who ape and flatter authority constantly by assuming a pandering posture of slave to authority expecting some rewards in return.
Priests, architects, doctors and lawyers find themselves implicitly dealing with the uninformed (chronically ignorant). Their profession implies loyalty to the feudalism that keeps them inside the castle walls.
Being bossed about by the know-all arrogance of the ignorant.
When people talk too much about themselves and never listen to others.
Opportunistic people who have forgotten it was chance and luck which put them there and not their own merits or values
People who believe in miracles like the virginity of Mary but are indifferent  to genuine scientific wonders.
People who exert coercive persuasion, abuse of power and the pedagogy of fear.
Ersatz psychologists and psychiatrists who adhere to pseudo-therapies to rob you of your money.