domingo, 1 de enero de 2017

WITHOUT= sin ; with = con , out= ex

WITHOUT is a Preposition usually followed by a noun which means not having, not with, lacking, free from, a- an-.
Exs: You can´t buy things without money
        Do you ever travel without a ticket?
        The rumour was without foundation
        He was working without any hope of reward
        You went out without a hat  (oaldce).

WITHOUT is followed by -ing forms:
Exs: He can´t speak English without making mistakes
        You can´t make an omelette without breaking the eggs
        Can you do it without his knowing?
        He passed without seeing me  Cfr, He passed without my seeing him
        He left without so much as saying that he was sorry!/ thank you! (OALDCE).

WITHOUT has an old use related to WITHIN, meaning OUTSIDE and INSIDE repectively


a) How many modern conveniences can you do without?
b) It goes without saying.....(It´s obvious)
c) without fail/ doubt / meaning to (inadvertently)/ reference to (regardless of)

1) STRIGHTFORWARD TRANSLATION From English into Spanish:

In the East there is intimacy without friendship;

In the West there is friendship without intimacy. 

Love without passion/dependence ; 

Virtue without praise; 

Boldness without malice; 

Duty without recognition; 

Existence without suffering:

 Cry without tears; 

Silent patience without despair; 

Studying without motivation;

 Teaching without vocation; 

Preaching without conviction;

 Power without control;

 Faith without devotion; 

Passion without knowledge, 

An earthquake without devastation; 

Mind without prejudice; 

Jokes without fun; 

Me without you; 

Loneliness without a partner;

 Determination without doubt; 

Enjoyment without payment;

 Residence without authorisation;

People without voice; 

Sex without restraint; 

Behave without style; 

Held without bail; 

Enter without paying; 

Disappear without previous warning; 

Marriage without love; 

Problems without solution; 

Sex without love  v. Love without sex?

2) TRANSLATE FROM Spanish into English:

Duelo sin tregua
Ilusiones sin esperanza
Comer sin vergüenza
Reservar sin nombre
Mentir sin rubor
Aprender sin asimilar
Hablar sin ofender
Testarudez sin paliativos
Hablar sin tapujos
Actuar sin complejos.
Pan sin gluten
Estar sin blanca
Pareja sin hijos =childless couple.

3) FALSE FRIENDS: In English CON means to Deceive 
and SIN is a fault, transgression or to trespass ; Conceived without sin means.......?
Name at least ten more false friends:Exs: Actually, Success,...

4) Write a short story on either An ideal holiday without my parents 
or A holiday without alcohol. A holiday with a "false" friend...

5) Gerund after prepositions:

 Can you yawn/sneeze without opening your mouth?
 Can you sneeze without closing your eyes?
 Do you leave a party without saying anything?
 Can you tell a lie without batting an eyelid?
 Can you spend a whole day without having a shower?

6) Finish the following sentences:

I can´t live without........ 

I can do without........... 

It goes without saying..........

If you are without an education.........


The film without a paddle was De perdidos al río in Spanish

Can you guess the original title of the following films?:
Sin novedad en el frente
Juan sin Miedo/tierra
Sin tregua
Amor sin fin
Sin noticias de Dios
Sin perdón
Con faldas y a lo loco
La leyenda de la ciudad sin nombre

8) Imagine a world without any kind of religion at all/ frontier/ crime.....

9) Infinitives  without  To : Make & Let
 They made me do it
He let me drive his car
She would not let me read the letter
They make me feel uncomfortable

Make up two more sentences

10) Finish the following sentences + gerund in any way you like:

She left without............................................................
They ran the marathon without...........................................
We climbed through the window without...............................(Spanish subjunctive)
You need to work without........................................................       "           "
It´s nice to go on holiday without..............................................

11) As a suffix to form adjectives -less meaans  WITHOUT, free from. So explain by using "without" the meaning of the following adjectives:


FIND OUT WHICH OF THE ABOVE ADJECTIVES CAN TAKE -FUL AS A SUFFIX TO MEAN THE EXACT OPPOSITE .For instance in English we have "beautiful" but we don´t have "beautiless"

12) Sometimes the prefixes a-, ab-,un- may mean WITHOUT.. Explain the following words by using without:















13) Songs whose title includes WITHOUT  Who were they composed by?:

With or without you ( link
Without you (
Without me (
Can´t live without you(
Without your love(

14) Explain the following proverbs:

No gain without pain
Nothing is achieved without effort, suffering or hardship.
You can´t make an omelette without breaking the eggs.
I´d rather have honour without ships than ships without honour.
No smoke without fire.
You can´t have the rainbow without the rain. 

15)  Give an English equivalent to the following Spanish idioms:

Sin ton ni son 
Sin pelos en la lengua 
Sin oficio ni beneficio 
Sin pena ni gloria 
Sin prisas pero sin pausas
 Sin remedio
Sin medida
Sin tapujos

16) This NINE-letter word is still a word in English when EIGHT letters are removed
       one by one. Can you tell me their meanings:


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