sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014


In our society some people, both young and old, are hooked on pills as well as other substances. Young people ,by definition, like to experiment and to try anything new. Aldous Huxley stated:
"The systematic drugging of individuals for the benefit of the State(and, incidentally,of course, for their own delights) was a main policy of the world controllers. The daily Soma -Internet- ration was an insurance against personal maladjustment, social unrest and the spread of subversive ideas.If as Karl Marx put it religion is the opium of the people, nowadays this situation is reversed Opium/the Internet is the people´s religion.Like religion the drug had the power to console and compensate, it called up visions of another , better world, it offered hope, strengthened faith"... Brave New World Revisted
The net is highly addictive.It creates virtual realities removed from the day-to-day real world. Try avoiding the internet for a day, a week or a month..you´ll suffer from withdrawal symptoms similar to any other drug...

Drug abuse has been around for a very long, long time, since the earliest and most primitive cultures..
It entails the confusion of body and soul. Freedom to teenagers means the choice between being slaved to drugs or the power to say NO (Part of consumer education). Drug abuse is a type of slavery, an accelerated lethal game of pleasure towards ...DEATH, a quick answer to the anxiety created by a certain kind of addictive society..


Most teenagers do not take drugs, and of those who do, most use only"soft" or legal drugs, take them only experimentally and occasionally, and eventually, give them up altogether.The most common practice is for drugs to be taken at weekend parties for the same reason that adults smoke and drink:just because they enjoy it and because it makes them feel uninhibited or relaxed.
Fashions in the drug world come and go.There was a time when heroin and cocaine ruled supreme.

Find out what the effects of the following substances are(They may have both an action-function- and a medical use):

Alcohol: Beer, Whisky, Wine, GNT, Vodka,...

Tobacco: Electronic cigarettes, cigars,..

Cannabis:hash,kiff, grass,weed,pot,tea,puff,blow,marijuana, a joint,hashish, dope,ganja,..

Ecstasy : E, Adam,Burgers, Disco Biscuit, Black and Reds...

Amphetamines: Pep pills, Speed, Whizz,Sulphate,Purple hearts,Blues,Black bombers, Bennies,.

L.S.D.: Acid, micro-dots, tabs,sugar,instant Zen,windows,..

Barbiturates: Sleepers,Amytal,Nembutal,Seconal, Tuinal,Downers, Blue angels,Pentobarbitone, Diazepan...

Cocaine:Snow, Coke, C, Crack,Blow, snuff, Charlie, Dust,Powder,..

Heroin: H, Horse, Junk, Jack, Stuff, Smack, scrag,boy, chinese..

Methadone: Physeptone, Phy, Dollies,..

Glue-sniffing: solvents,ether, chloroform, lacquers, varnish..

Angel Dust: Phencyclidine: PCP,..

Magic Mushrooms & Cacti


Other drugs and medicines:...

Most info above taken from: Brave New World revisited by Aldous Huxley
                                        Drugs The worries,the threats, the facts by Dr. Richard Barrymore
                                          Antitox Addepos 


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