jueves, 27 de junio de 2013


Emotional Dialogues and Situational Role-Plays

By: Erin Vanden Brook & José Manuel Cabezas

Situations                                                       Emotions

ICECREAM PARLOUR                                      MAKING FRIENDS
BUS STATION                                                     SADNESS
DOCTOR´S APPOINTMENT                              NERVOUSNESS
ASKING THE WAY                                              INSECURITY
BOOKING A HOTEL ROOM                               ANGER
TAXI TO HOTEL                                                  CURIOSITY
AT THE BANK                                                     EXCITEMENT
ON THE PHONE                                                  WORRY
CAR RENTAL                                                       PRIDE
LAUNDRY                                                             IN A HURRY
IN THE COUNTRYSIDE                                        TALL TALES
AT THE BAKERY                                                  DEPRESSION
AT THE LINEN SHOP                                           SECRETS
AT  THE CLOTHES SHOP                                    JEALOUSY
AT THE HAIRDRESSER´S                                   FLATTERY
A FAMOUS RESTAURANT                                   GOSSIP
AT A MUSEUM                                                      FASCINATION
AT THE THEATRE                                                 BOREDOM
AT THE ZOO                                                         FEAR
AT THE LIBRARY                                                 EMBARRASSMENT

A:Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you?
B:Very well, thank you .And you?
A:Fine, thanks.
(All microdialogues should be combined with different feelings
 and emotions in different contexts)

A: Good morning. Do you sell ice-creams?
B: Yes,we do. Which one do you want?
A: A strawberry cone, please
B: Here you are. Two Euros, please.

1) Ice Cream Parlour / Making friends

A: Hi, can I have a dish of chocolate chip ice cream?
B: You sure can! How many scoops?
A: Um, 2 please.
B: 2 Scoops coming up! Now how come I haven't seen you around here before?
A: Oh, I just moved here last week.
B: Well, that explains it! My name's Bill.
A: Hi, Bill. I'm Susan.
B: Susan, it's a pleasure to meet you.
A: It’s nice to meet you too.
B: So are you enjoying the city so far?
A: Yes, I am. I haven’t met many people yet, but everyone seems very nice.
B: Well, have you got any plans for tonight?
A: None at the moment, no.
B: Some friends and I have been planning to go out for a drink later. Would you like to join us?
A: That would be great, as long as it wouldn't be any trouble.
B: It would be no trouble at all! Write your number on this napkin and I'll give you a call around 7:30.
A: Sounds perfect! I'll talk to you then! 

A: Hot, isn´t it?
B: Yes, very much so.
A: Would you like a drink?
B: Yes, please. Let´s .

2) Bus Station / Sadness

A: Hi Kim. Where are you headed today?
B: I need a bus ticket for the airport.
A: The airport?
B: Yeah, I'm starting at the University in New York next week.
A: Wow! Congratulations! We're sure going to miss you around here!
B: Thanks, but I don't really want to go.
A: Come on! You'll have so much fun at college!
B: I'm just not ready to say good-bye.
A: Well, it is tough to leave your friends and family.
B: Yeah, I don’t know how I’m going to do it.
A: You should think about all the new friends you are going to make at school!
B: I don’t want new friends. I like my friends.
A: Oh don't worry about that. They'll still be here when you come back. Only now you will have even more friends!
B: Well, I guess it's not that bad.
A: No, it isn't. You'll see!

A: Hi, How´s your life now?
B: Fine, I´m working from home
A: Are you still in the same company?
B: Yes, I am

3) Doctor's appointment / Nervousness

A: It looks like you’re going to need a shot.
B: What? No! It was only a scrape!
A: Yes, but you cut yourself on a rusty nail.
B: Can't I just have a band aid or some cream?
A: We'll be giving you that too. But you need a tetanus shot. 
B: I just don't think I can handle a shot.
A: It won’t hurt at all, but you do need one. Rusty nails can be very dangerous.
B: Oh man!
A: You'll need to relax and stop shaking.
B: But it's going to hurt!
A: It will if you're tense. Look, the needle is quite small.
B: I think I’ll get sick if I look at it.
A: You’ll be fine. Just remember to breathe.
B: Oh God!

A: Can you tell me the way to the new telephone shop?
B: Yes, go straight ahead and it´s on your right
A : Thanks a lot.
B: Not at all.

4) Asking the way / Insecurity

A: Mom, do you know how to get to the new clothing store on the east side?
B: Yes. You take Mineral Point Road toward Highway 30.
A: How long?
B: Oh, about 10 km. Then take a right onto Glenway Boulevard.
A: Can you just take me? I’m going to get lost.
B: No you won’t. You will be fine.
A: No I won’t. I always get lost. Just go with me, please?
B: No, you’re going to do this on your own. Have a little confidence in yourself.
A: I just know I will get lost…
B: With that attitude you will.
A: Fine. What do I do after Glenway?
B: Stay on Glenway until you come to the first intersection. That’s when you will turn left on to Rugby Street. The store will be there on your right, you can’t miss it.
A: Thanks! I’m taking my cell phone anyway, in case I get lost.

A: I hear you´re off to Cuba
B: Yes, it´s next week
A: Well, have a good trip and enjoy yourself!
B: Thanks, I think I deserve it after all I´ve been through.

5) Booking a hotel room / Anger

A: Hi, I’d like to book a room.
B: What dates, sir?
A: The week of May 6th-13.
B: How many people?
A: Just two.
B: Ok, that will be $200 a night, so your total for the week will be $1,400.
A: What? That’s absurd! Your listing says that the rooms are $75 a night.
B: Yes, but the week of May 6 is a local holiday. All the prices go up, sir.
A: This is ridiculous! It does not say that on your website.
B: Well, that is our policy.
A: Ok, fine. It says here I can give a deposit now and pay the rest on May 6 when we arrive.
B: I’m sorry, sir. That also does not apply during the holiday.
A: You’ve got to be kidding me!
B: I’m afraid not, sir.
A: Well, then I’m afraid I’m going to have to take my business elsewhere. And you can tell your manager he will be hearing from me!

A: Strange weather, isn´t it?
B: Yes, we badly need some rain, don´t we?
A: Sure a little rain would do us some good.
B: I wish it rained heavily..... for months.

6) Taxi to hotel / Curiosity

A: The Marriot Hotel please, on 5th Avenue.
B: All right. Is this your first time in Chicago?
A: Yes. We’re from Washington.
B: Well then, welcome to the Windy City.
A: The windy City?
B: Yes, that is what people call Chicago.
A: Oh, wonderful. Do you have any recommendations on places to eat or things to see?
B: Well, it really depends on what you are interested in. Chicago has a lot to offer.
A: Oh, wow! Is that the ocean?
B: Um, no ma’am. That is Lake Michigan.
A: That’s a lake? Why can’t I see the other side?
B: It’s one of the Great Lakes.
A: Do sharks live in it?
B: No, it’s freshwater, just like any other lake.
A: Oh my! And what is all this? There are so many people!
B: This is Michigan Avenue. If you want to shop, this is the place to be.
A: Are there nice museums?
B: Yes, there are quite a few. And might I also recommend trying some Chicago style pizza while you’re here?.
A: Is it any different from other pizza?
B: Oh yes. You really should not miss out on it! Well, here we are. Enjoy Chicago!
A: Thank you very much!

A: What do you do for a living?
B: I´m an air hostess .And you?
A: I´m a reporter but I´m on holiday at the moment
B: Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?

7) At the Bank / Excitement

A: I’d like to change the name on my bank account.
B: Do you have all the papers?
A: Oh, yes. We just got married! I’ve been so excited to do this since we got engaged!
B: Really? Congratulations!
A: Thank you! How long does this usually take to process?
B: It should take about three business days to change a name.
A: Okay. Oh! I almost forgot I’ll also need to change my credit cards.
B: Alright. Your account shows that you have a credit card, a debit card and a check book. Is that correct?
A: Yes it is. Will that take longer to process?
B: It will only take an extra two days, so it all should be taken care of by next Tuesday.
A: Oh my goodness! I don’t think I will be able to wait!
B: And would you be interested in opening a joint account with your husband?
A: That would be wonderful! I hadn’t thought of that.
B: When you come in to pick up your new cards bring him along and we can make the proper arrangements for you two.
A: Thank you very much!

A: Where are you going this evening?
B: I´m off to prepare the carnival float
A: Can we meet tomorrow evening?
B: O.K. See you at the gym as usual.

8) On the Phone / Worry

A: Hi, is Mrs. Smith there? This is Mark’s mother  , Sheila.
B: This is she./ Speaking
A: Oh, Hi Mrs. Smith!
B: Please, call me Debra!
A: Alright. Debra, have you heard from your son Timmy?
B: No I haven’t. He and Mark were going to the park after school today. Why? Is something wrong?
A: Well, Mark has an appointment at 5, and he has not called.
B: I’m sure everything is fine. They probably lost track of the time.
A: Do you think I should go looking for them?
B: Oh, I don’t think you should worry about them yet.
A: I know, but this is so not like him.
B: I bet they will show up any minute now wanting something to eat.
A: You’re probably right.
B: Listen, Sheila, if I hear from the boys I’ll make sure to give you a call. Okay?
A: Thanks. That would be great.
B: Not a problem. Go have a cup of tea. That usually calms me down.
A: I will. I’ll talk to you later Debra.
B: Bye Sheila!

A: How do you like my new car/bike?
B: Oh, it´s wonderful
A: Would you like a lift/ride now?
B: I´d love to but I´m too busy at the moment.

9) Car Rental / Pride

A: We’d like to rent a car.
B: You’ve come to the right place. We are the best!
A: What makes of cars do you have?
B: Oh, we have everything!
A: We’re looking for the most efficient and best price.
B: We have anything you could be looking for!
A: And is insurance included in your price?
B: Of course! We think of everything we can to keep our customers satisfied.
A: I’m sure you do.
B: You won’t find anyone else like us.
A: I’m sure I won’t.
B: Well, any of the cars on the floor here are available to you.
A: We will need it for a few weeks.
B: That won’t be a problem. We’ll just need you to sign a few papers and you will be all set.
A: And do you take American Express?
B: Yes! We take all major credit cards, cash, or check/ cheque.
A: Really? That is not the usual case these days.
B: They don’t call us the best car rental for nothing!

A: Could I stick this notice on your window?
B: Go ahead
A: Thanks as some people don´t like their windows stained
B: Never mind.

10) Laundry / In a hurry

A: I’d like these pants, and this blouse cleaned.
B: Okay, would you like them pressed as well?
A: No.
B: Any stains we should target?
A: No.
B: We have new scented dryer sheets that you can choose from.
A: Not today.
B: Are you sure? You might just want to test some of them, see if any smell nice to you.
A: I’m sorry; I’m kind of in a hurry.
B: Sure, I understand, but I do highly recommend taking the time to see if there….
A: Look, I’m sure they all smell wonderful but I do really need to go.
B: Ok.
A: Can I pay now and pick them up today at 4?
B:  Oh, yes, certainly.

A: What are you doing on Saturday?
B: Don´t know. Are you going to Peter´s party?
A: I didn´t know Peter was throwing a party.
B: I´m not quite sure either.

11) In the country side / Tall tales

A:  Can you see that mountain over there?
B: The real tall one?
A: Yes! In fact, it’s the tallest mountain in the country!
B: Wow. How tall is it?
A: It’s over 15,000 meters tall.
B: That can’t be. That’s taller than Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world!
A: Well, then I guess this mountain is taller. And guess what!
B: What?
A: I’ve climbed to the top in one day!
B: You’ve got to be kidding me.
A: Not at all. I’m entirely serious.
B: I think it would be too dangerous.
A: Oh, it was! I even had to fight off a bear.
B: What? Bears don’t live here.
A: They do on the mountain and I killed it with my bare hands.
B: I have a hard time believing you.
A: I’ll show you pictures the next time you stop by my house to prove it.

A: Do you know you are not allowed to eat here?
B  No, I don´t.
A: Well, if I were you I´d stop eating straight away.
B  O.K. Don´t tell anyone.

12) Bakery / Depression

A: Good morning, Tom!
B: Hi, Jim.
A: What’s the matter? You look down.
B: I don’t know. I’ve just been feeling kind of blue lately.
A: Hmm. Did anything happen?
B: No, not really. Do you have any fresh bread?
A: We sure do. You know, you should get outside more. I read somewhere that sunlight can really help with your mood.
B: Yeah, maybe. The thing is I can’t stay focused. I lose myself in my thoughts.
A: I have just the thing. Here, try this fresh blueberry muffin, and this coffee. You’ll feel like a new person.
B: I don’t know, Jim, but I’ll give it a shot. How much do I owe?
A: This one’s on the house.

A: Are you going to the beach later this afternoon?
B: No .I´m sorry I can´t.
A: Why not?.All our friends will be there
B:  ´cause I´m having extra lessons.

13) Linen shop / Secrets

A: Do you have cotton sheets for a king size bed?
B: We sure do! What color are you looking for?
A: Do you carry any green sheets?
B: Well… How are you at keeping a secret?
A: Um, good. I guess.
B: See, we just got a new shipment in of the best sheets around, but they aren’t supposed to be sold until next week.
A: Well, I really need them today.
B: I can sell them to you today if you promise not to tell anyone.
A: Really? That would be great!
B: But you seriously cannot tell anyone! I could lose my job.
A: I won’t say a word. How much do they cost?
B: Twenty-five dollars a set.
A: Perfect!

A: Do you Know I´ve won the lottery?
B: Congratulations. What are you going to do with the money?
A: I´m going to spend, spend and spend
B: Well, be careful and take care.

14) In a clothes shop / Jealousy

A: What do you want to buy at the dress store?
B: Mom, I need a dress for the school dance next weekend!
A: Oh, that’s right. I completely forgot.
B: Mom, I have to find the perfect dress this time.
A: We will. We will. We always do!
B: No, that is not true. We always think we’ve found the perfect dress but Jenny Miller always has a better one.
A: Honey, I don’t know why you care so much about Jenny Miller.
B: She’s the most popular girl in school!
A: That doesn’t mean anything.
B: Yes it does, mom! She has the best clothes, the best friends, the best everything. She’s practically perfect.
A: Well, I think you are being silly and should stop comparing yourself to this Jenny girl.
B: You don’t understand. Jenny has everything. It’s not fair.
A: The let’s start trying on some dresses.
B: Okay. I need a Medium.
A: Alright. I’ll pick out some dresses and bring them to you in the fitting room, okay?
B: Perfect. Thanks mom!

A: Do you know there are new jobs at the employment office?
B: No, tell me what are they?
A: Street cleaners, window cleaners and guides.
B: Do you think I could try?

15) At the hairdresser / Flattery

A: What kind of a style would you like?
B: I’m not looking for anything too different, just a bit shorter on the ends.
A: Alright. Would you also be interested in trying a new color?
B: Oh, no thank you. I don’t dye my hair.
A: Really? You don’t?
B: No. I never have.
A: Wow. Well, you have a stunning natural color!
B: Thanks!
A: Honestly, it really suits you.
B: Oh stop. I guess that’s why I haven’t changed it, then.
A: Good for you!
B: I guess I’ve never really noticed how dark it is.
A: I love it. I’m sure people would pay money to get a color like yours.
B: Oh please.
A: No, I’m serious. You are really very lucky.
B: Well, thank you. I’m flattered.
A: You’re welcome. Now you can follow me this way. We’ll start with a shampoo.

A: What were you doing when I saw you?
B: I was reading a book.
A: What was the book about?
B: It was a beautiful love story.

16) Famous Restaurant / Gossip

A: What do you think you are going to order?
B: I don’t know. I love everything on their menu!
A: I agree. But I suggest getting your favorite this time.
B: Why? Shouldn’t I try something new?
A: Haven’t you heard?
B: Heard what?
A: They are closing next week.
B: No! Where did you hear that?
A: Tyler told me. He overheard Jane, the owner, saying that they are selling the restaurant.
B: Oh my, I can’t believe that!
A: I know! It’s awful.
B: Well, I guess we better decide before the waiter comes.
A: Good idea. Do you know what you want?
B: If they are going to be closed I have to get my favorite.
A: Good point. I’ll do the same.

A: When is your birthday party?
B: Next Saturday
A: What time will it be?
B: 11p.m. At my home.

17) Museum / Fascination

A: This exhibit represents the way of life for the Native Americans.
B: Did they really wear clothes like that?
A: Yes, they did.
B: Wow!
A: Everything you see here is a replica of what anthropologists have found.
B: How do we know this is what they ate?
A: We have highly skilled researchers who have studied these people for years.
B: This is so cool! Can I touch it?
A: No. There are signs here that say no touching, and no flash photography, please.
B: Are these weapons also replicas?
A: No, those in the glass case are originals that have been found.
B: This is awesome. So they really used these to hunt?
A: Yes they did.
B: Whoa! This is amazing.
A: Now we’ll be continuing upstairs to the Pharaoh exhibits.
B: Oh my God, Pharaohs? This is my favorite place ever!

A: Have you done your homework?
B: No, I clean forgot
A: Well, let´s do the exercises now
B: O.K. Whatever you like.

18) At the theatre / Boredom

A: So, how long is this show?
B: I don’t know. About 2 hours I think.
A: 2 hours? Oh man.
B: Why? What’s the matter?
A: Oh, nothing… How long have we been here?
B: The show is just starting. The curtain hasn’t even come up!
A: I don’t know if I am going to make it through the whole thing.
B: Why? What’s the matter with you?
A: I just don’t really like the theater.
B: Really? Then why did you come?
A: Because I know the guy who is playing the lead role.
B: Oh, that’s right.
A: When is intermission?
B: Um, the program says it’s before Act 3.
A: There are three Acts in this play?
B: Actually there are 4.
A: Oh gee. I’m bored just thinking about it.
B: Hey! Don’t fall asleep.

A: Do you practise any sport?
B: Yes, football and basketball. How about you?
A: I play tennis.
B: When are we going to play a match?

19) ZOO / Fear

A: Hey, want to go check out the snakes?
B: Why would I want to do that?
A: Because they are cool and sometimes you can hold them.
B: That is a horrible idea.
A: No it’s not, it will be fun.
B: Yeah, it’s fun until they eat you.
A: They won’t eat you. Plus, they have trained professionals there to help.
B: Still, I don’t want some snake on me.
A: Have you ever tried before?
B: No, and I don’t intend to.
A: Why are you being such a sissy?
B: Because I don’t like snakes.
A: So you’re scared?
B: No. I just don’t like snakes. That’s all.
A: Oh come on. Admit it.
B: Fine. I’m afraid of snakes. I think they are ugly and creepy. Plus they eat live animals.
A: You’re being ridiculous.

A: Have you read “Memories from the underground”?
B: No,I haven´t
A: Would you like to read it? You can have it
B:  O.K. Thanks.

20) Library / Embarrassment

A: Hey, I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes. Where have you been?
B: Shh. Let’s just find the book and get out of here.
A: Okay. Why are you so red?
B: I’m red? Oh no!
A: Yeah. What happened? And what’s the author’s name again?
B: I think its Tolkien.
A: Okay. So what happened?
B: I fell.
A: You fell? Where? How?
B: It was awful. I fell right in the middle of the hall.
A: Did anyone see you?
B: Yes! It was during passing time and all the seniors were there!
A: Maybe no one noticed.
B: Everyone noticed. They all laughed.
A: Really?
B: Yes. It was so embarrassing!
A: They’ll forget it even happened by next period.
B: I hope so.
A: Let’s just check this book out and get out of here.
B: Good plan. Do you have your library card?
A: Yeah.

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