viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014


This activity is dedicated to my 3º B students this year: Iris, Nicolás, Marco, Ana,Amelia,Sonia, Angira, Alvaro, Carlos D & G., Alicia, Sara, Amara, Gloria, Eva , Isabel, Amy,Raquel, Manu, Alberto and, last but not least,Elena.
 It owes a lot of inspiration to the short story Class of ´81 by Joanne Harris.
The students enjoyed imagining themselves in 2034 and wrote enthusiastically about this future class reunion.Three aspects to consider: Exaggerate, Do not hurt other people´s feelings and Try some humour. The response was much better than I had expected...Even when the bell rang the students kept on writing and listening to their colleagues´ creative compositions...

Already I was feeling quite nervous. We´d made made the promise twenty years ago, an unimaginable distance to our fourteen-year-old selves. Since then I´d had little contact with any of the old school friends...I arrived too early and could not recognize anybody at first.. Twenty years..Unimaginable time..Now we were thirty four and I felt happy, well, some of the time. The first person to arrive was A, she had not changed a bit: Tall, elegant, blonde wearing a black top over what looked suspiciously like nothing at all, she had married a hotel manager and had two children. Then came B, a film director who had married an English man, lived in London and lived a fulfilled life travelling to and fro. C , a video game creator, had not married and had had several intermittent relationships with a famous actor. D had come out of the closet and lived with his partner. E and her partner F had adopted a child from South America. G had become a Roman Catholic priest and his friend H had joined a convent but had to leave after discovering herself pregnant.(The Holy Ghost?)

I , sporting a long pony tail, was a funeral director in Catalonia, a different country now, similar to Portugal.He had married the Maths teacher´s daughter.

J had changed beyond recognition and for a moment we thought he had gatecrashed into the party. It was when he showed us his hidden tattoo that we could tell it was JR.

K had been a cheerleader, a fashion model, a waitress, a bartender, in fact, she had had so many jobs that she had undergone several identity crises.

L had had several abortions and had finally decided to give up for good.

M had always loved N in secret, his high school sweetheart. He had never forgotten her. So both were stuck  and trapped in loveless marriages and this reunion could mean their dreams might come true....

Continue with the rest of the class from O to Z and tell us what happened to them:


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